Chanterelles are so well known and abundant that sometimes in the search for new mushroom one forgets how heavenly chanties are. Beautiful to behold, great texture and a taste to live for. What a gift we live in a place that offers such a wonderful treat each year. Here are some photos of the 2021 beauties we found.


About Cantharellus cibarius

Cantharellus cibarius, commonly known as the chanterelle, golden chanterelle or girolle, is a fungus. It is probably the best known species of the genus Cantharellus, if not the entire family of Cantharellaceae. It is orange or yellow, meaty and funnel-shaped. On the lower surface, underneath the smooth cap, it has gill-like ridges that run almost all the way down its stipe, which tapers down seamlessly from the cap. It emits a fruity aroma, reminiscent of apricots and a mildly peppery taste (hence its German name, Pfifferling) and is considered an excellent edible mushroom.

More information: Cantharellus ciborium, Wikipedia